Win a $500 Prepaid Mastercard and Dymo Pack

dymo comp

Dymo is giving you the chance to win 1 of 31 $500 Perpaid Mastercards and Dymo packs.

There are two types of Dymo packs on offer:

Dymo Home prize pack that includes:

  • Dymo Letratag Handheld LT-100H (blue)
  • Tape Refill – ‘Iron on Fabric’
  • Tape Refill – ‘Plastic White,’
  • Dymo Organiser Express
  • Dymo Embossing tape (blue, green and red)

Dymo Office prize pack that includes:

  • LabelManager LM280P
  • ‘Black on White’ 12mm D1 tape

To enter answer one of two questions

  • If you select “Dymo Office” the question is “in 25 words or less how do you organise your office?”
  • If you select “Dymo Home” the question is “in 25 words or less how do you keep your home office organised?”

The competition closes 25 February 2013.

Click to get this offer


